• Access only with registration

    Tuki® Private Shopping is only for registered customers. Register today using the form to avoid missing out on any offers.

  • Strictly limited editions

    Get access to unique and incomparable offers from Tuki®. Strictly limited editions and only from January 1st to January 6th, 2025.

  • gift with order

    Every order from Tuki® Private Shopping with a minimum order value comes with an exclusive surprise. A perfect start to the new year!

Learn more about the Tuki® Learning Tower

Tuki® - the safest learning tower

The Tuki learning tower is completely tip-proof. Thanks to the height adjustability, the center of gravity remains low. In addition, the intelligent foot on the side of the Tuki provides additional security. The Tuki can hold up to 50kg and can therefore also carry adults. The Tuki has been officially tested by TÜV.

Tuki® - longest lifespan

The intelligent Tuki is height-adjustable in three levels and can therefore be used by children up to at least 8 years old. By removing the rear top bar, the Tuki serves as a regular step stool and can also be used by adults.

Tuki® - sustainable from AZ

The production facilities in the EU use high-quality wood from the immediate surroundings. The short journeys in production and the procurement of materials contribute to the sustainability of the Tuki.
The packaging is also sustainable: we use no plastic and only sustainable materials and creation methods.

Experience the Tuki® in action